Electric Cars- Save Your Money and Environment

A new technology always starts with soaring prices and gradually plummets. If you buy a HEV, you will save a fortune from daily refilling of gas. Depending on the extent to which your vehicle is utilized, if you add up the total costs that you save on gas, it will be more than the highest costs of a hybrid car! If you are thinking to switch over to an electric vehicle then you are on the right track as it will largely save your hard earned money and lessen the carbon trail. You can go for electric car conversion at home which is possible without expert help and you could bring alterations with limited budget also. It is a great way to save thousands of dollars. Electric car conversion is no rockets science and all you have to do is pre arrange a kit. It is often called as a ‘do it yourself’ task! In electric car conversion, the non-engine parts remain untouched and the internal combustion engine(IC) is replaced by an electrical engine.

Inadequacy in the battery life of electric cars
There are shortcomings in the concept of electric cars also. Range limitations, soaring battery prices and low battery life are a few of them. The maintenance and repair costs of electric vehicles are lower than regular cars. Moreover, a gas-engine car has more mechanical components which require a sustenance check at short intervals contrary to EV’s which have significantly few and easier-to-deal-with parts. By the end of the 19th century,customer demand stayed consistent to bring electric cars into the international market, the technology to bring this budding transformational creation in the market. After a decade, with more advanced technology and state of the art methods, the economic impact of electric cars has changed.

HEV’s are perfect when searching for a substitute
Thrilling developments in the form of electric cars can put battery driven cars everywhere on the roads and the know-how fuelling the transition could push higher, the shares of car manufacturers. Among a few automotives manufactured, electric cars are a viable solution to combat rising fuel rates. There is good news for the owners of HEV’s that the government gives tax credit for driving a ‘green’ car. It is a myth that electric cars are slow. The fact is that the batteries placed inside require timely charging like our mobile phones, but as far as speed and fuel efficiency is concerned, HEV’s are not behind their conventional counterparts. The cars that utilize both power and battery are called hybrids and possess the pros and cons of both electric and gas engines.