To Buy A Hybrid, Or Not To Buy A Hybrid… That Is The Question!

It is true that a very diverse set of drivers, owners, and enthusiasts,(even most people), consider hybrid cars for a variety of different reasons (your own musings and reasons will probably just add to the list here) …
- As a concept and environmentally sound alternative, it shows good global citizenship
- It is a trend that they want to be part of and be associated with
- Conservation and sustainability of our world, the legacy we leave for our children
- Leading by example and being a pioneer
- Weird-looking and a cool idea to have one, gadget, newest ‘toy’ to add to the list
- Fuel-economy and saving money, gas
- Fewer emissions and pollutants into the atmosphere
- Less gasoline/fossil fuel reliant
- Potential investment
- Keeping up with the Joneses! 
Whatever YOUR particular incentive, motivation or rationale for getting one, hybrid car sales are soaring. According to recent news reports in the USA over the last 12 months, an increase of 139% was cited.  It is a definite trend and here to stay. The wave of the future…undeniably here!