Environmental Benefits Of Electric Cars

In the past century, the amount of fossil fuel drawn on has swelled five to six times more than the world population! There are more than five hundred billion automobiles in the world and they are run by the existing power source-oil. Excessive release of carbon dioxide and other harmful greenhouse gases in the atmosphere leads to a sluggish diminution of the ozone layer. The disparaging effects of the greenhouse gases led to the origin of a popular word which we hear every now and then called-global warming. There can be grave repercussions of global warming like ecological calamities, diseases, and agricultural devastation.

Go green with electric cars
Oil is good for us only because we use it for running our cars. But oil does not only affect the atmospheric quality, its extraction leads to fuel tank leaks, oil spills, and forest wildfire, to name a few. With escalating number of automobiles, the efforts to diminish automobile pollutants have gone in vain. It is hard to believe but when your car starts, every second, thousands of gallons of petroleum are burned. Apart from vehicles, there are power stations where coal is used as an energy source. The fact of the matter remains, that burning coal is more toxic than burning oil! In some countries coal is still used in trains; especially in goods trains. There have been plentiful automotive revolutions in the past where passenger trains, trams, and trolleys which were earlier run on coal, are now run on electricity. It is time, we stopped using coal and utilize solar energy driven electric motors.

Pitfalls of IC engine
The power corporations generate excess electricity at night which can be used to plug in millions of electric cars. Most of this electricity produced goes waste; that is why there is a pressing need for realizing proper harnessing of energy from different natural resources. It is fairly known that an electric engine is superior to an IC (internal combustion) engine and that is why there are is no direct release of gases when the engine starts. Not all HEV’s are perfect but in comparison to internal combustion engines, as the brunt of battery engines is low and mild compared to the drawbacks of a gas engine. These days, rising fuel prices and a motivational push towards a cleaner environment have reduced the carbon gas emission and people have begun to settle on bringing the electric car craze back. HEV’s will help you to drive on roads with a plain conscience, unspoiled air and significantly more cash in the pockets!